Summer vacation

Has summer vacation ever snuck up on you? You wake up one morning realizing you don't have to get ready for school for the next two or three months. You jump out of bed ready to explode into your summer vacation, but you're not sure where to start.

Oh sure, you have plans for the summer. You plan to visit your relatives, spend a few days at your best friend's home, go to the beach, and learn to sew. On top of all this, you plan to get a job.

You have all these goals, but no concrete ideas how to achieve them. Now is the time to start making concrete plans for your summer goals if you don't want to waste your first few weeks of vacation. Here are some tips:

First, write down all you want to accomplish over the summer months. Write down your trip plans, your recreation plans, your employment plans and your savings goals. Some of your goals may require a lot of planning. A job, for example. Now is the time to decide where you would like to work or what type of work you would like to do. It's not too early to start applying for summer employment. Make appointments to visit the personnel directors and managers of businesses in your area. Let them know you are looking for a summer job and that you will be available for work as soon as the school year is over. Give them a specific date. Until you get a job, keep in touch with the people you have talked to. Don't become pushy, just familiar and friendly. Most employers will be impressed with your foresight. By applying early, you may find yourself a week or two ahead of your classmates in getting a job. You will also have a better selection of jobs. Once your job is established, it's much easier to plan all the other things you want to do. Schedule these activities to take place throughout the summer so you don't end up with nothing to do (or too much to do) the last couple weeks of vacation.

If you want a successful summer, start planning now.


Cashmere said...

I love the holiday feeling..
But well, I'm not really one of those planners.. lol!

Mike J. said...

I just love vacations. The feeling is overwhelming and it's about time to give yourself a break. When it comes to planning, I plan ahead of schedule. Money is important, we should have enough to spend. And of course, picking a place to visit is thrilling. A well-organized vacation offers nothing but splendid quality time and leisure, although I also entertain the idea of spontaneity when it comes to vacation trips.

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